Best for the Summer – Event Banners and Signs

Why advertise?

Advertising is effective. However, many people forget details quite easily if they have not an immediate need to remember them. Remember when you were in school hearing the teacher or professor going on about a topic? If there was no immediate need to remember what he or she said, most of us did not. Then, at the end of the grading period came a test over the material. Suddenly there was a need to remember.

The students who took notes reviewed those notes and built brain pathways to allow recall of the facts. Advertising can be equated to the notes that reminded us of the facts and impressions that we gained in lessons. Event banners and signs properly designed can be effective reminders of the advertising events creating the brain pathways that are necessary for effective advertising.

Remind your audience repeatedly to get your message heard and remembered. We are bombarded with advertising all the time through all types of media: television, radio, newspapers, the Internet, and billboards. Many of us do not remember the advertising unless it is ingenious at leaving impressions or repeated in different ways so the message is unforgettable.

Event banners and signs

Event banners and signs act as immediate reminders, notes, or activities on a daily basis. They can be placed along roadways, across the fronts of businesses, even across the main street of a town. An event banner or sign is extremely effective when placed around the site of a planned event. When the time for the event arrives, anyone planning to attend the event knows exactly where it is located and the name of the event.

Occasions for the use of banners and signs

Banners and signs can be used for the following:

• Community celebrations
• Special occurrences
• Performances
• Family reunions
• Rodeos
• Fairs and carnivals
• County fairs and expositions
• Picnics

Consider using an event banner or sign to advertise this summer and fall. Banners and signs are perfect for summer because they can be designed to give a light celebratory feel to your event. The weather is pleasant enough ordinarily to allow the banners and signs to remain in place long enough to remind your targeted audience repeatedly so he or she remembers the message.